Our Curriculum
At Victoria Road Primary and Nursery, our vision is to provide our children with an engaging, exciting, broad and balanced curriculum that is purposeful, sequenced and planned in a deliberate manner to ensure that it is knowledge rich. We see it as our moral obligation for all children, regardless of background, to achieve their very best. These high expectations enable us to adapt, develop and deliver a curriculum which is knowledge rich, carefully sequenced and embeds powerful knowledge. We promote children’s development by instilling a lifelong love and capacity for learning. Our curriculum is designed to provide rich, practical and broad experiences for children to develop their knowledge and skills inside of the classroom and beyond and we expect our teachers to deliver lessons that fulfil this expectation.
We do not see the curriculum as a finished product, far from it. On a regular basis we review plans, consider our intent, and make sure we deliver the very best academic and enrichment diet to our children. All curriculum areas have a subject lead that is responsible for the design, implementation and ongoing monitoring and evaluation of this area.
Our school environment and curriculum promotes the importance of reading, especially reading for pleasure, as a valued and purposeful part of our curriculum. We believe that reading is the key to unlocking the potential to every child’s success. Reading progression is carefully mapped to provide opportunities for exposure to a wide variety of genres, authors of different backgrounds and a mixture of classic and contemporary texts.
Through enrichment activities, children are provided with opportunities to learn new and build upon knowledge and skills, whilst applying what is taught in new and exciting ways. Our knowledge rich curriculum is aspirational, relevant and purposeful. This is to provide opportunities for our children to develop as independent, confident and successful learners who know how to make a positive contribution to their wider community and society. As a minimum, we teach children the core knowledge of the National Curriculum and the skills needed to both access and demonstrate their learning in a range of ways. We aim to provide children with the cultural capital needed to not only understand, but thrive and engage, with the world through passion and purpose building on the essential British Values.
We take a holistic view of the child and understand the importance of being ‘ready to learn’. We aim to effectively address the learning, behavioural, social-emotional and mental health needs of children and families. We want children to enjoy learning and feel safe, happy and secure and both children and families to feel empowered to share their thoughts and feelings and so they can be resilient to barriers to success. At Victoria Road Primary School, children and families are supported by a dedicated team. Every child is recognised as a unique individual.
The school is proud to say that we move ‘Forward Together’.
For English we use the LAT curriculum and for Maths-White Rose as well as Mastering Number. More information about this are on these specific pages on the website. We use schemes for Music, PSHE, MFL and PE. For the other foundation subjects, we use the United Learning Curriculum.
United Learning Curriculum
The United Learning curriculum allows us to improve the life chances of the children and young people we serve. It ensures that we bring out 'the best in everyone' – pupils, staff, parents and the wider community. The curriculum has been designed by experts and carefully constructed to be highly ambitious for all children, ensuring that there is precision in what pupils will learn from Nursery to Year Six.
We know that Primary teachers cannot be specialists in every subject. And there just isn’t enough time in the day to research ideas, sequence content, identify and prepare to pre-empt misconceptions, and then plan evidence-based, engaging lessons with scaffolding for individual pupils.
The sequencing of the UL curriculum gives subject leads the confidence to talk about and deliver their subject from EYFS to KS2 and beyond. The selection of readymade and adaptable resources means teachers can spend more time tailoring resources for their individual class. With subject knowledge packs and high-quality resources, teachers are empowered to deliver the best possible lessons for the pupils they teach.
The United Curriculum carefully sequences substantive concepts, disciplinary knowledge and vocabulary from Nursery, and makes meaningful links between subjects.
The United Curriculum empowers teachers by giving them the subject knowledge they need to teach the subject well.
The United Curriculum provides opportunities for pupils to see themselves reflected positively in the curriculum and open their eyes to new perspectives.
The United Curriculum provides a selection of resources, so teachers can focus their time on adapting them for individual classes – not developing resources from scratch.